Thursday, October 7, 2010

Little Women

Can I just say how excited I am for my next show! Little Women has been one of THE musicals I've wanted to be a part of since I saw it performed at the Hale Centre Theatre a couple years ago. I have gotten my dream role as Laurie in the show and last night Joe and I did our proposal scene. After that scene I was all giddy and excited because even though my character gets shot down and their relationship is destroyed because of his feelings towards her I was so excited that we had a strong scene like that and have already created a strong base from which it can be built.
Another reason I am so excited for this show is because of the stretching I'm doing. I have never played a character that is polite and meek. Though Laurie may be goofy and awkward (something I excell at lol) he is a very playful yet quiet boy and I love that I get to play something with that type of balance. The girls in the show are simply fantastic, and all the men have great voices, yet another reason I'm so excited for this show and complimented to be part of it. As I gush about how excited I am I forget how much work I need to do, so I'll let you go. Thank you Blog!

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