Sunday, October 10, 2010

I ask: How dare YOU....


For the past week I have heard nothing, NOTHING, but this Bull that has gone on with the gay community and a talk given by a representator of the LDS religion (I refuse to use names in this blog). Before I begin this blog let me say that this is a blog meant to remain completely neutral and as I write I will be attempting to keep my own personal beliefes out of it and translating this message accoring to what it was sent to be by my support group and myself....and now I will begin the translating of my brain into a form that can be viewed by all *focused breath*....

Hello to you all, first off let me begin by saying that this message is given out of love and not the intent to hurt feelings or make anyone uncomfortable and should you at any time feel either of those, or emote anything other than my truth and love I STRONGLY encourage you to stop reading the blog and move on to stalking someone else...that was a joke...sorry lol. back to the subject though, today I had a door open to me, where for a brief moment in time I felt as if i could explain the unexplainable and this was difficult believe you me. but because of this door and the awareness I recieved in both self and the world around me I was surprised to see my anger show within this subject. As a being of love and compassion I rarely feel anger. I lash due to annoyance or hurt but it is rare that I find myself truely angry. In this lifetime, I have chosen to learn a great many things, one of these things I chose was a new level of acceptance and a new level of love for all those around me. Humans are Humans! we are NOT perfect in any way shape or form, yet somehow we let our egos get in the way and we let ourselves beleive that we are right and therefore everyone else should be right. now stop right there those of you reading and beleive I'm siding against the church; because if you believe I'm siding with either of you at the moment then you deserve a slap in your ego based forehead. by saying they have no right to put religion on you and that they MUST accept you for being gay or the must accept your friends, family ect for being gay then you just pushed on to their beleifs to not support you...please understand I am still speaking from love and not scolding either persons. Understand that I am a former member of the LDS religion and was very strong when I was a member. Also understand that I have many family members and friends who are gay. I am speaking at an equal level of love. please do not take it any other way, I can not stress that enough.

If you are the religious sort you beleive we were once one. Whether you beleive in christianity, buhdism, wickan, metaphysics, or in some god history has forgotten; you believe that our souls once knew and loved eachother. Should you not believe in a god, you do believe that we are all equal beings created by some evolutionary phenomona or some other method. the point I'm trying to make loved ones, is that WE believe there was a point in time where we were all equal in the sight of god and eachother...why does a physical body, something EVERYONE believes we will not take with us after death change the color of our souls? "All Mormons are wrong and judgemental, they can go to hell!" "All gay people are sinners in the eyes of god and are an abomination to the human race!" These quotes, heard all over the world, are hurtful to me both heart and soul. Even now as I attempt to feel into this situation, tears are streaming and I can not express how much I dislike forms of hatred towards others.

The symbol of the LDS church (posted above) reminds me of choice. The meaning of CTR is Choose The Right. (or current temple reccomend...sorry just trying to lighten the mood). but I began asking myself what does this symbol represent? Is it a remider to the youth to make good choices? Does the shield and maze in the picture represent keeping up your guard at all times? My personal belief is that it makes us CHOOSE. ahh yes the greatest gift given to us by Members of the LDS religion, you believe that you were making choices even before you came to this planet. It is believed that 1/3 of gods children CHOSE to turn away from him, thus becoming satans followers and the other 2/3 were the ones who accepted the lord and recieved their physical bodies. this means EVERYONE made the choice to accept god, yet we foolishly turn those who dont agree with us away. gays, catholics, those who drink coffee even. We turn them away, and I am not judging by any means, in fact there was once in my life were I was the one who turned the soda drinkers away. due to my experiences of dabblng in the LDS pool of life I remember one scripture. Matthew 5: 14-16. I will not quote it but it mentions letting our "light shine." my personal belief of letting light shine is being in our truth and doing what the creator wanted...LOVE....I will now turn my attention to the gay community for a moment.

As I so did with the christians I shall do with the gay community, and give a symbol. This, for those of you who don't know, is a symbol you will find usually on the back of a gay or lesbian's car. This is a symbol, like the CTR ring, very well known and brings up many feelings when seen. For those of you who do not know what an equal sign means, the meaning of this sticker is simply equality. I ask those who believe in homosexuality and supporters of homosexuality the same question as I did the church followers. as their symbol represented choice and you feel they won't let you choose, are you willing to take one the responsibility that you may be just as wrong as them with your symbol? The symbol represents equality, but how can you point the wrong-doing finger at someone and still be equal? just as they should treat you with love you should treat them with love. This is in no way saying you need to accept their beliefs or you have to stop standing up for yourselves. YOU have the right to live as YOU choose, I believe no one can tell me who I will love and I am one of the first to say I AM when it comes to self. but if you believe all persons are equal then we should act as such yes?

Everyone...there is a difference between standing in your own truth and supporting your belifs and pressing it on others. This representator had no right to say what he did in such an open setting, just as the homosexuals had no right to protest outside the temple. your all hurting eachother just take a step back with me your minds are ALL in this world, in a society created by us. WE created the world we live in now, WE created the problems, AND WE can create the solutions together. Christians, CHOOSE to love one another, even if you don't believe in the others beleifs. remember that you were once persecuted as well. homosexuals treat everyone with EQUALITY and love. together, taking our beliefs out of eachother and looking into eachothers eyes simply saying "hello" for the first time and loving eachother not for our beliefs but for our souls, will we create a bright future.

thank you for your time.

                                                             I AM THAT I AM.

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